
The Effects of In Ovo Injection of Propolis and Injection Site on Hatchability, Hatching Weight and Survival of Chicks

Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi(2016)

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In this study, two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of in ovo injection of propolis and injection sites in ovo on hatchability, hatching weight and survival of newly-hatched chicks in two different lines of slow-growing broiler. In Experiment 1, 70 fertile eggs from Ross x Rhode Island Red breeder (30-week-old) were allocated to four groups according to a 2 (saline and propolis solution) × 2 (air cell and amniotic fluid) factorial arrangement. In Experiment 2, 64 fertile eggs from Ross x Barred Plymouth Rock breeder (32-week-old) were allocated randomly to three groups. In Experiment 1, a 0.5 ml of 0.9% saline or 4.6% propolis solution was administered to the air cell or the amniotic fluid of eggs at day 19 of incubation. In Experiment 2, at 18 d of incubation 0.5 ml of 0.9% saline solution was administered to the air cell or the amnion at the blunt end and the pointed end of the egg. In the both experiments, the hatchability, hatching weight and survival of newly-hatched chicks were not affected by in ovo injection of propolis and injection sites. However, in Experiment 1, while the hatchability (χ2= 8.020, P<0.01) was dependent on the injection sites, hatching weight of newlyhatched chicks (P < 0.10) was tend to be dependent on the injection sites. In conclusion, it can said that in ovo administration of propolis to the air cell increased the hatchability, but was tended to reduce the hatching weight of chicks.
Poultry,propolis,in ovo feeding,injection site,chick hatching traits
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