
The Effect of Biological and Chemical Phosphorus Fertilizers on Radiation Use Efficiency, P Concentration and Yield of Wheat Cultivar (Pishgam)

Somayeh Vejdani Aram,Goudarz Ahmadvand,Somayeh Hajinia

Ikufīziyuluzhī-i Giyāhān-i Zirā̒ī(2018)

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To evaluate the effect of biological and chemical phosphorous fertilizers on radiation use efficiency, P concentration and yield of wheat cultivar (Pishgam) A field study was carried out as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications, in 2011-2012 at the Agricultural and Natural Research Station of Hamedan province. The factors were three levels of phosphorus fertilizer (P1) 0, (P2) 22.5 and (P3) 45 kg.ha-1 diammonium phosphate of based on soil test and five levels of biofertilizer applications: non-biofertilizer application (B1), biofertilizer application at the rate of 100 g.ha-1 at planting (B2), biofertilizer application in two stages, at the rate of 100 g.ha-1 at planting and 100 g.ha-1 in the spring (B3), biofertilizer application at the rate of 200 g.ha-1 at planting (B4), biofertilizer application in two stages, at the rate of 200 g.ha-1at planting and 200 g.ha-1 in the spring (B5). The results showed the highest leaf area index (5.8 and 5.7, respectively) was produced in biofertilizer of B4 and B3 levels with application of 45 kg ha-1 diammonium phosphate. Application of 45 kg.ha-1 diammonium phosphate with biofertilizers of B2, B5, B4 and B3 levels, caused an increase in total dry matter about 29.7, 25.9, 4.0 and 2.5 percent, respectively, as compared to that of control. The highest radiation use efficiency of 2.45 g.mj-1 belonged to 45 kg.ha-1 diammonium phosphate with biofertilizers of B4 which was 23 percent more than that of control. Bio-fertilizer of B3 and B2 levels increased grain yield of wheat by 9.8 and 9.3 percent, respectively, as compared to that of control. Finally it can be stated that biofertilizer Barvar-2, resulted in the increase of grain yield.
Absorption of radiation,Biofertilizer,Leaf area,phosphorus,Wheat
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