Experimental Wargaming with SIGNAL

Joshua Letchford,Laura Epifanovskaya,Kiran Lakkaraju,Mika Armenta,Andrew Reddie,Bethany L. Goldblum,Jon Whetzel,Jason Reinhardt,Vamshi Balanaga,Andrew Chen,Nathan Fabian, Sheryl Hingorani, Roshni Iyer, Roshan Krishnan, Sarah Laderman, Manseok Lee, Janani Mohan,Michael Nacht,Soravis Prakkamaku, Matthew Sumner,Jake Tibbetts, Allie Valdez, Charlie Zhang


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Wargames are a common tool for investigating complex conflict scenarios and have a long history of informing military and strategic study. Historically, these games have often been one offs, may not rigorously collect data, and have been built primarily for exploration rather than developing datadriven analytical conclusions. Experimental wargaming, a new wargaming approach that employs the basic principles of experimental design to facilitate an objective basis for exploring fundamental research questions around human behavior (such as understanding conflict escalation), is a potential tool that can be used in combination with existing wargaming approaches. The Project on Nuclear Gaming, a consortium involving the University of California, Berkeley, Sandia National Laboratories, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, developed an experimental wargame, SIGNAL, to explore questions surrounding conflict escalation and strategic stability in the nuclear context. To date, the SIGNAL experimental wargame has been played hundreds of times by thousands of players from around the world, creating the largest data base of wargame data for academic purposes known to the authors. This paper discusses the design of SIGNAL, focusing on how the principles of experimental design influenced this design.
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