
Treatment of urinary obstruction due to calcium magnesium carbonophosphate urolithiasis in a juvenile red kangaroo (Osphranter rufus)

Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine(2023)

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Background: A variety of urolith types have been reported in macropods, but reports of successful treatment are scarce. Case Description: A 10-month-old, intact male, privately-owned red kangaroo (Osphranter rufus) joey was presented for hemorrhage and self-inflicted trauma to the penis. Physical examination findings included a large, firm, nonexpressible bladder and blood clots at the urethral orifice. Bloodwork revealed neutrophil toxicity but no azotemia or hyperkalemia. Radiographs revealed a linear mineral feature, superimposed with the trigone of the urinary bladder. Based on these findings, urinary obstruction secondary to urolithiasis was suspected. A urinary catheter was placed under general and spinal anesthesia in order to relieve the urinary obstruction. The next day, a cystotomy was performed and the uroliths, as well as several large blood clots, were removed from the bladder. The kangaroo recovered well from the procedure. Urine culture revealed growth of multiple different organisms, including Enterococcus durans and Proteus hauseri. Antimicrobial therapy was instituted based on culture and sensitivity results. The urolith was found to be calcium magnesium carbonophosphate with 5% struvite. The kangaroo reportedly remained healthy 19 months post-operatively. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: This report describes successful treatment of urolithiasis in a juvenile red kangaroo. Contrary to what has been reported by some authors, urinary catheter placement in a macropod was possible in this case, but it is unknown if this would be successful in an adult kangaroo. Providing spinal anesthesia may help facilitate this procedure.
Cystotomy Macropodidae Spinal anesthesia,Urethral obstruction,Urinary calculi,Urinary catheterization
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