Precipitate Composition Identification and Stability Improvement of Fermented Goji Berry Wine

Na LI,Jie REN,Liwei WANG, Aijun JIAN, Chunguang WANG,Bolin ZHANG,Xiaonan WANG

Shipin gongye ke-ji(2023)

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Fermented goji wine (FGW) has rich nutrients, unique flavor and broad market prospects, but it is easy to precipitate in the shelf life, which affects the preference of consumers. In this study, the composition of precipitates in FGW was studied by physical and chemical methods, and the effects of different clarifiers (bentonite, gelatin, egg white powder and protease) on the chemical composition and stability of FGW were explored. The results showed that the precipitates mainly included proteins (24%~34%), organic acids (22%~28%), polysaccharides (15%~23%). Different kinds of clarifiers had varied effects on the main components of FGW precipitation. Bentonite could reduce the content of proteins, among which, the protein content of goji wine treated with bentonite NC decreased by 28.13% compared with the control group. While gelatin could reduce the contents of organic acids and polysaccharides, and the polysaccharide content of goji wine treated with gelatin W decreased to 53.84% of the initial control. The effect of adding gelatin clarifier was the most suitable choice, which could reduce the precipitation contents and improve the stability of FGW.
fermented goji wine,precipitation,clarifiers,stability
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