Can Sentiment Mining of Novice and Expert User Survey Feedback Enhance the Digital User Experience?

2022 8th International HCI and UX Conference in Indonesia (CHIuXiD)(2022)

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In recent years, sentiment mining has been used within politics and social media to understand the emotions and opinions that people have about society and different political groups to help bring change. However, in the user centered design process, a main component that helps bring change is the use of user feedback and there has been little research in terms of adopting sentiment mining to assist with this and the user experience of an application. This research paper implements the use of sentiment mining on user survey feedback from Jupyter Notebook and has identified different components of the user experience that caters for novice and expert users independently. Recommendations from this research will help Jupyter Notebook create a user experience that caters to novice and expert users and their workflow needs. This initial analysis has identified that sentiment mining provides important and subtle enhancements for user experience that other tools and techniques do not provide. Therefore, this is a worthwhile method of user experience assessment to foster to enhance a digital user experience.
cohort analysis,sentiment classification,user experience,machine learning,jupyter notebook
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