Impact of Programming Language Skills in Programming Learning

2022 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC)(2022)

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In this modern era of the internet and information technology, a mentionable amount of data is generated from different sources consistently which refers to big data. This huge amount of data not only draws great attention for further research but also helps to extract different knowledge and infor-mation in various areas. The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) area is not apart from that, as the huge amount of data in this area is enhancing opportunities for further research and development. In the ICT, most of the courses especially programming-related courses are designed to improve practical skills. With the increasing demand for software engineering and other related fields, programming education or learning plays a vital role. However, in programming learning, the impact of programming language is also important to enrich the programming and technical skill. This paper aims to analyze the impact of programming language skills in programming learning by collecting real-world data from a programming course. In this paper, we used a dataset from submission logs of a programming course in an Online Judge (OJ) system. We selected the users randomly and considered single and multiple languages used for acceptance. Finally, we have presented the analysis of the overall acceptance rate, single and multiple languages used acceptance rate, and compared them. Moreover, the analytical result of this paper can help students and programmers as well as the improvement programming learning.
Programming learning,Programming language,Online judge,Acceptance rate,Big data,Data analysis
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