IOT Based Landslide Detection in Hilly Area

Kishor B. Bhangale, Aditya Mane, Yatish Patil,Rahul G. Mapari, Harshal Bhosale

2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA(2022)

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As per the records more than 5000 people are buried alive and there are more than 4 billion USD in losses every year due to landslide disasters globally. In India, the problem is quite severe, as India happens to be the landslide capital of the world where on average about thousand people lose their life every year on account of landslides. The problem with the landslide sensing technologies existing is that these technologies are costly technologies like conventional geotechnical monitoring. Thus, this article presents the early landslide detection based on various parameters of the hilly area such as moisture, rain level, vibrations and accelerometer sensor outputs. The proposed system provides an alert buzzer to the proximity using Fuzzy logic Controller. The anticipated scheme is implemented for the real time scenario and data is stored on the cloud for the future reference. It provides a simple, feasible and low-cost landslide monitoring and warning system.
IoT,Wireless Sensor Network,Landslide,Low-cost,Real-time Monitoring,Thing-Speak
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