IoT Based Fall Detection System

Sejal Renake, Neeraj Singh, Amandeep Singh, Pallavi Adke,Kishor Bhangale,Rahul Mapari

2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA(2022)

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The assistance services in medical scenarios keep expanding, stated falls prove to be the second greatest cause of involuntary injury deaths globally, according to the World Health Organization. As per statistics, adults over 65-70 years tend most likely to be the prey for fatal falls. Hence for old people and certain patients, developing a fall detection system with the assistance of technology and daily life simplicity to improvise the quality of living is necessary. Keeping up with the existing systems and in order to elevate prevention of falls, this fall detection system provides results in less time and in a more specified manner. We use a host chair with an attached device based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for sensing and monitoring required important factors. The novelty of this project goes hand in hand with automating facets of the fall detection process, notifying the fall, displaying the required update on the app, and apprising the user.
Fatal falls,accurate fall detection,IoT,host chair,automation
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