Open Data Management of Research in Education: knowledge and practices in LATAM

2022 XVII Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO)(2022)

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Sharing research data can generate both social and economic benefits and serves as a record of academic activity as evidence of research work. In turn, the availability of the data allows the validation, verification, and replication of research. On the other hand, at the individual level, sharing our data can provide greater impact and visibility to our investigations. The new scientific paradigms of open science already require that supporting data be published when an article is published. This paper presents an analysis of opinions about the knowledge and practices of open research data, in a group of researchers in education from LATAM. From this analysis, we highlight that nearly half of those consulted do not know about open data repositories, and only about a quarter upload data to repositories. However, the attitude regarding the advantages that these practices could give them resulted very positive. We consider that is important to establish new strategies and policies at the national and regional level, in favor of greater use and storage of open data, practices required for open science.
Open data management,Research in Education,Latin America
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