Corrigendum to ‘The correlation of serum adiponectin and insulin resistance with the presence and severity of dementia in non-obese Alzheimer's patients’ [Clin Nutr ESPEN 40 (C) (2020) 376–382]

Clinical nutrition ESPEN(2023)

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The authors clarify that the research group of this study in the neuroscience research center of our university started to work on two different proposals with two different ethical approval IDs (Visfatin research project: IR.MUQ. Rec.1394.100 and Adiponectin research project: IR.MUQ. Rec.1397.168). Due to the similarity of the study cases (patients with Alzheimer's disease) in both studies while there was just an active clinic for dementia in our institute, these two projects were carried out by a joint research team, but with two different responsibilities. During the study conduction (2017–2018) sufficient cases for the Alzheimer's disease group and the control group were enrolled in the same data bank. As there were two separate studies were being conducted from a common study cases bank, for all of the subjects, two different checklists were filled out and separate blood samples were taken at different times (according to each study's inclusion criteria) and also these samples were analyzed with different laboratory kits (specific for each study). Statistical analysis and then the process of study writing was followed separately by each of the responsible authors. Finally, the first article was published in Acta Neurologica Belgica and the second (current study) was submitted to Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. Finally, the authors state that the similarity between some variables of these two studies is due to the use of the same data bank of the study subjects for these two separate studies. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. The correlation of serum adiponectin and insulin resistance with the presence and severity of dementia in non-obese Alzheimer's patientsClinical Nutrition ESPENVol. 40PreviewAlteration in the insulin signaling could contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) through metabolic or inflammatory processes, adipokines could affect insulin dysregulation. This study aimed to investigate whether there is a correlation between serum adiponectin level alteration and insulin resistance with the presence and severity of AD, compared to normal controls. Full-Text PDF
serum adiponectin,insulin resistance,alzheimer,dementia,non-obese
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