
Automatic veins analysis of susceptibility weighted image in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy

Magnetic resonance imaging(2023)

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Background and objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate venous vascular structure and distribution as prognostic indicators of developmental outcomes for infants with neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) by detecting and analysing ridges representing vessels on susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance images (SWIs).Methods: Forty-two infants with neonatal HIE underwent SWI in the neonatal period and neurodevelopmental assessment at age 2 years. Normalised histograms of the width, intensity, length and Hessian eigenvalues extracted from the ridge analysis of each patient's SWI are applied as feature vectors to feed into supervised classifiers such as the kNN and random forest (RF) classifiers to predict their neurodevelopmental outcomes. Here we also propose a supervised classifier for automatic prognosis of automated detection of SWI signs of HIE. Our classifier proposed in this paper demonstrates a superior performance in HIE prognosis for the datasets associated with cognitive and motor outcomes and it also enables to determination of brain regions which have been affected by hypoxia-ischaemia by extracting appropriate features from SWI images. Results: The feature vectors containing width, intensity, length, and eigenvalue show a promising classification accuracy of 78.67% +/- 2.58Linear regression, polynomial regression, and support vector regression (SVR) models predicted outcomes and the lower mean relative errors (MRE) for motor and cognitive outcomes are 0.088 +/- 0.073 and 0.101 +/- 0.11 respectively.Conclusion: The features derived from the vascular ridges improve the prognostic value of SWI in HIE. Our findings suggest that it is possible to predict neurological, motor, and cognitive outcomes by numerical analysis of neonatal SW images and to identify brain regions on SWI affected by hypoxia-ischaemia.
Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy,Susceptibility -weighted imaging,Ridge detection,Neurological,Motor,Cognitive outcomes
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