
Detection of Periapical Lesions on Panoramic Radiographs Using Deep Learning

Raidan Ba-Hattab,Noha Barhom,Safa A. Azim Osman, Iheb Naceur, Aseel Odeh, Arisha Asad, Shahd Ali R. N. Al-Najdi, Ehsan Ameri,Ammar Daer,Renan L. B. Da Silva,Claudio Costa,Arthur R. G. Cortes,Faleh Tamimi

Applied sciences(2023)

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Dentists could fail to notice periapical lesions (PLs) while examining panoramic radiographs. Accordingly, this study aimed to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) designed to address this problem. Materials and methods: a total of 18618 periapical root areas (PRA) on 713 panoramic radiographs were annotated and classified as having or not having PLs. An AI model consisting of two convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a detector and a classifier, was trained on the images. The detector localized PRAs using a bounding-box-based object detection model, while the classifier classified the extracted PRAs as PL or not-PL using a fine-tuned CNN. The classifier was trained and validated on a balanced subset of the original dataset that included 3249 PRAs, and tested on 707 PRAs. Results: the detector achieved an average precision of 74.95%, while the classifier accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were 84%, 81% and 86%, respectively. When integrating both detection and classification models, the proposed method accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity were 84.6%, 72.2%, and 85.6%, respectively. Conclusion: a two-stage CNN model consisting of a detector and a classifier can successfully detect periapical lesions on panoramic radiographs.
artificial intelligence,neural network,periapical lesion,panoramic radiographs
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