
Assessing of Low-Tech Solutions for Aerosol Delivery: Comparative Performance Study of Manufactured Versus Homemade Spacers.

Manon Moreau-Neidhardt,Lara Leclerc, Jeanne Grange,Sophie Perinel,Jeremie Pourchez

International journal of pharmaceutics(2023)

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Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the performance of low-cost homemade spacers compared with manufac-tured valved holding chambers (VHCs) for fluticasone propionate delivery via a pMDI (pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler). Methods: The Total Emitted Dose (TED) and particle size distribution were measured for pMDI alone or connected to the different spacers, according to CAN/CSA-Z264.1-02 standard. Two types of low-cost alternative and manufactured spacers were investigated: 500 mL plastic bottle and 553 mL aluminium can; non-antistatic plastic VHCs and aluminium antistatic VHCs. Results: The TED of homemade plastic bottle vs plastic VHC were similar in the 20-23% range. In contrast, the TED of homemade aluminium can was higher compared to aluminium VHC (83% vs 68%). The Fine Particle Fraction (FPF) was similar for the two plastic-based spacers (in the 12.68-17.60% range), although it was greater for the aluminium can compared to aluminium VHC (51% vs 42%). However, all spacers have limited large particles fraction, mainly deposited in the oropharyngeal tract, potentially decreasing side effects. Conclusion: We demonstrated that low-tech solutions as homemade spacers have at least similar performances to VHC medical devices composed of same material (aluminium or plastic). Thus, low-cost homemade spacers represent alternatives in case of emergency and without VHCs nearby.
Spacer,Valved holding chamber,Aerosol delivery,Developing countries,Cost effective,Low -tech
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