USP39 promotes hepatocellular carcinogenesis through regulating alternative splicing in cooperation with SRSF6/HNRNPC


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Abnormal alternative splicing (AS) caused by alterations in spliceosomal factors is implicated in cancers. Standard models posit that splice site selection is mainly determined by early spliceosomal U1, U2 snRNPs. Whether and how other mid/late-acting spliceosome components such as USP39 modulate tumorigenic splice site choice remain largely elusive. We observed that hepatocyte-specific knock-in of USP39 promoted hepatocarcinogenesis and potently regulated splice site selection. In human liver cancer cells, USP39 promoted tumor proliferation in a spliceosome-dependent manner. USP39 depletion deregulated hundreds of AS events, including the oncogenic splice-switching of KANK2. Mechanistically, we developed a novel RBP-motif enrichment analysis and found that USP39 modulated exon inclusion/exclusion by interacting with SRSF6/HNRNPC in both humans and mice. Our data represent a paradigm for the control of splice site selection by mid/late-acting spliceosome proteins and their interacting RBPs. USP39 and possibly other mid/late-acting spliceosome proteins may represent potential prognostic biomarkers and targets for cancer therapy. ![Figure][1] ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: pending:yes
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