Efficient Construction of Involutory Linear Combinations of Anticommuting Pauli Generators for Large-Scale Iterative Qubit Coupled Cluster Calculations.

Journal of chemical theory and computation(2023)

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We present an efficient method for construction of a fully anticommutative set of Pauli generators (elements of the Pauli group) from a commutative set of operators that are composed exclusively from Pauli operators (purely X generators) and sorted by an associated numerical measure, such as absolute energy gradients. Our approach uses the Gauss-Jordan elimination applied to a binary matrix that encodes the set of X generators to bring it to the reduced row-echelon form, followed by the construction of an anticommutative system in a standard basis by means of a modified Jordan-Wigner transformation and returning to the original basis. The algorithm complexity is linear in the size of the X set and quadratic in the number of qubits. The resulting anticommutative sets are used to construct the qubit coupled cluster Ansatz with involutory linear combinations of anticommuting Paulis (QCC-ILCAP) proposed in , (1), 66-78. We applied the iterative qubit coupled cluster method with the QCC-ILCAP Ansatz to calculations of ground-state potential energy curves for symmetric stretching of the water molecule (36 qubits) and dissociation of N (56 qubits).
anticommuting pauli generators,involutory linear combinations,large-scale
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