
Comparison of variable- and person-oriented methodology: examination of Thai and Hungarian psychobiological personality profiles

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Background: The aim of our study was to compare variable- and person-oriented methodology in understanding group differences in psychobiological personality profiles. We compared two different cultural groups, but methodology can be applied to any group-comparison, such as comparison of different clinical groups. Variable-oriented approach aims to sum the variables into basic factors and compare the different samples by comparing the mean scores of factors. On the other hand, person-oriented methodology unfolds the different holistic patterns of all variables. Methods: Altogether 1319 individuals (672 Thai and 647 Hungarian) were included in our study. The distribution of age, gender and education level were matched in order to provide as equal samples as possible. The Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire was administered that measures Aggression, Extraversion, Activity, Sensation Seeking and Neuroticism. Results: Our mean-comparison results on factor differences found Thai individuals to be less extraverted, less aggressive, less active and less sensation seeker. Cluster-analytic holistic scale- profiles revealed six typical profiles (two cross-culturally stable and four rather culture-specific profiles. These culturally different holistic profiles help us understand more deeply the cultural differences in personality. Cluster-analytic approach showed that the rate of reserved individuals and rate of introverted impulsive inividuals are higher among Thai individuals, whereas rate of aggressive-impulsive and rate of positive sensation seekers were higher among Hungarians. Resilients and overcontrolled types appeared in both cultures at similar rate. Conclusions: Our results highlight differences in applying variable- or person-oriented approach in group comparison. Variable-oriented approach assumes that summation of variables are equal across groups and group mean differences can be regarded as differences of all individuals equally. On the other hand, person-oriented approach, the cluster-analytic one, assumes that subgroups can be formed and it provides an opportunity to compare groups not only by the average level but through comparing the rates of different holistic profiles.
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