Comparing Global Curricula and Local Computing Degree programs using the CC2020 Curriculum Visualization Tool.


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This special session will introduce the participants to the CC2020 Visualization Tool based on the Landscape of Computing Knowledge Table and its 34 topics areas. It will guide them through the process of assigning a minimum and maximum value to the discipline areas of their own degree programme, then enter them into the application and allow the participants to see where in the landscape of computing their own program fits. It will also allow participants to compare their own programme with any other programme entered into the application. We hope to populate the database with programmes from all over the world over the next few months to ensure a global reach for comparison. There has never been a tool to compare computing degrees and this tool not only allows for comparison with current approved curricula but also allows participants to compare their degree with each other. This tool also enables employers to develop a guideline for potential employees and compare with job definitions to help with alignment of qualifications and competencies.
cc2020 curriculum visualization tool,local computing degree programs,global curricula
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