Pengembangan Permainan Kartu Uno pada Pembelajaran Matematika Materi Bilangan Bulat Positif

Journal on Education

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Mathematics is a very important subject given to students from elementary to tertiary education levels. The goal is to understand how important mathematics is, because studying mathematics can solve problems in everyday life, because mathematics is very close to everyday life. However, learning cannot be forced, lessons with nuances of play are accepted in a fun way, have an entertaining and exhilarating nature. So, this research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the UNO card game in learning mathematics on integers for class VII SMP Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang. The research and development model used in this study is the ADDIE development model. The subjects in this study were 28 students of class VII SMP Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang, consisting of 6 small group students and 22 large group students. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive and quantitative descriptive. The UNO card has the characteristics of being developed according to the learning objectives. Students are able to determine the results of integer arithmetic operations and Students are able to understand problems related to integer arithmetic operations, using integer material.
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