[The importance of a veterinary anaesthetist and pain treatment according to dog and cat owners].

Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde(2023)

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In Switzerland, compared to the United Kingdom or the United States of America, fewer veterinary anaesthetists are employed in private practice, which raises the question about the reason. The present survey aimed at investigating the awareness of pet owners concerning the specialization of veterinary anaesthesia and the value they attribute to such a specialist. Also, estimation of pain in dogs and cats and the importance of its treatment from the point of view of the pet owners was analysed. Furthermore, the necessity of veterinary anaesthetists in private practice and the influencing factors were investigated. The survey was created on LimeSurvey, an online tool for questionnaires and sent to dog and cat owners of the small animal clinic of the University Hospital of Zurich. 317 fully completed questionnaires were evaluated. In general, pet owners appreciated the specialization of veterinary anaesthesiology. Great importance was attributed to the supervision of anaesthesia and analgesic therapy by a specialist. A preliminary talk with an anaesthetist would be appreciated. Owners would be willing to cover additional costs for a specialized anaesthetist, if recommended by the private veterinarian, and to bring their animal to the University Hospital, in case of an increased anaesthetic risk.
Anästhesie,Tierbesitzer,Fragebogen,Hund,Katze,Questionnaire,Schmerz,Sondaggio,anaesthesia,anestesista veterinario,cane,cat,chat,chien,dog,gatto,pain,pet owner,proprietario di animali,propriétaire d’animal,specialista,spécialiste,vétérinaire anesthésiste
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