
Platelet and Cryoprecipitate Transfusions from Female Donors Improve Coagulopathy in Vitro.

˜The œjournal of trauma and acute care surgery(2023)

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BACKGROUND:Females are relatively hypercoagulable compared with males, with increased platelet aggregation and improved clot dynamics. However, sex differences in coagulation have not yet been considered in transfusion guidelines. Therefore, our objective was to evaluate hemostatic differences in sex concordant and sex discordant cryoprecipitate and platelet transfusions. We hypothesized that transfusion of blood products from female donors results in improved coagulopathy compared with male blood products.METHODS:This was a cohort study evaluating sex dimorphisms in coagulation assays and clotting factors in healthy volunteer plasma and cryoprecipitate. Sex dimorphisms in transfusions were evaluated using an in vitro coagulopathy model. Female or male platelets or single-donor cryoprecipitate was added to "recipient" whole blood after dilution of recipient blood with citrated saline to provoke a coagulopathic profile. Citrated native thromboelastography was then performed. Liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy was performed on single-donor cryoprecipitate to evaluate sex dimorphisms in the proteome of cryoprecipitate.RESULTS:Females have an increased proportion of functional fibrinogen. Transfusion of female-donor platelets and cryoprecipitate induces a larger decrease in R time and greater increase in angle than male-donor platelets or cryoprecipitate. Female-donor cryoprecipitate has increased factor V and factor XIII compared with male cryoprecipitate, and comprehensive proteomics revealed sex differences in several proteins with potential immunological significance.CONCLUSION:Platelets and cryoprecipitate from female donors improve coagulopathy more than male blood products in vitro. Increased factor V and factor XIII activity as well as increased fibrinogen activity in female donors appears to drive this disparity. Sex differences in the proteome of cryoprecipitate may influence how transfusions modulate the thromboinflammation of trauma. The differing hemostatic profiles of female and male blood products suggest the potential role of sex-specific transfusions guidelines in hemostatic resuscitation.
Sex dimorphisms,transfusions,cryoprecipitate,platelets,proteomics
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