[Evaluation of the implementation of non-pharmacological measures for the prevention and treatment of delirium: A retrospective cohort study].


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Evaluation of the implementation of non-pharmacological measures for the prevention and treatment of delirium: A retrospective cohort study Delirium is burdensome for the affected patients, their relatives, hospital staff and the health care system. Preventing delirium with targeted multicomponent interventions is therefore essential. To investigate the implementation of defined non-pharmacological, preventive, and supportive measures in patients with an increased risk of delirium and/or delirium by the hospital's directions. In this observational study, routine data from 175 hospitalized patients were included. Data on delirium prevention, treatment and presence of delirium were extracted from the patient records and analyzed using appropriate statistical methods. Group comparisons were made between the medical/surgical clinic and the delirium/no delirium group. Of the 175 patients, 31 had delirium. For delirium prevention, measures to improve oxygen supply, excretion, pain and mobility were most frequently implemented and measures such as improving cognition and communication were least frequently implemented. In the case of delirium, measures to modify risk factors, ensure safety, as well as prophylaxis were applied most frequently. Between the two clinics and between the delirium/no delirium group significant differences in the frequency of these measures were shown. The differences in frequency of implementation provide preliminary evidence that clinic-specific delirium prevention, early detection, and treatment may be needed.
Beobachtungsstudie,Delir,Delirium,Pflegedokumentation,Pflegepraxis,Prävention,nursing practice,nursing records,observational study,prevention
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