
[Future Trends and Possible Applications of Digital Technologies in Setting-Based Prevention and Health Promotion-a Delphi Survey].


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BACKGROUND:Digital technologies show a high potential for health promotion and prevention, but an analysis throughout the planning, implementation, and evaluation phases of setting-based health promotion has not yet taken place. It also remains unclear to what extent digital technologies promote participation, partnerships, empowerment, and equity in settings.PURPOSE:This study is aimed at exploring future trends and possible uses of technologies throughout the phases of setting-based health promotion over the next 5 years. Further, it discusses the use of technologies to build participation, partnerships, empowerment, and equity in settings, and highlights the differences in the predictions of experts from science and practice.METHOD:A two-stage web-based Delphi survey with experts in setting-based health promotion/prevention was conducted. We conducted a content analysis for open questions and a quantitative analysis for closed questions.RESULTS:According to the experts (N = 42, complete participation in the first round of the survey), digital transformation will increasingly find its way into the various process phases over the next 5 years. In particular, technologies for behavioral change in hybrid formats are expected. The use of technology in the future can lead to more participation, partnerships, empowerment, and equity in settings on the one hand, but on the other hand can also reinforce exclusion and injustice if no suitable underlying conditions are provided.DISCUSSION:Research is needed on technologies for changing setting structures. The development of digital competencies and infrastructures in settings is essential to support the development of health-promoting settings digitally.
Digital Health,Delphi technique,E-Health,M-Health,Setting approach
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