
Internet of Things Implementation in Manufacturing Value Chain Process

2022 International Visualization, Informatics and Technology Conference (IVIT)(2022)

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In the manufacturing industry, value chain process is crucial to operation success. Thus, to avoid any mistakes, manufacturing industries need to streamline their operation as efficiently as possible. The Internet of Things (IoT) is indeed a support technology that enhance the quality of the operation in organizations. To make IoT a reality, the manufacturing sector must be able to engage in and implement this technology in its day-to-day transactions. Several studies have been conducted to investigate the potential of IoT for numerous organizations. However, IoT is still not widely used by many industries, including the Manufacturing industry in developing countries. This article aims to identify and evaluate the influencing factors and propose an IoT implementation model in Malaysia manufacturing industry. Drivers were identified through a review of previous tests. Furthermore, the technology-organization-environment framework is proposed, which is based on information system adoption theory (TOE). The Delphi technique is applied on a survey of IoT users, and the results showed that the factors chosen in this study had a significant impact on IoT implementation in the Malaysia Manufacturing industry. This study is assisting Manufacturing firms in understanding the aspects of IoT implementation, improving their business structure and IoT investment, and inspiring scholars to pursue research into new IoT adoption or implementation variables.
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