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A Method to Improve the Precision of 2-Dimensioanl Size Measurement of Objects Through Image Processing

2022 21st International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business Engineering and Science (DCABES)(2022)

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Aiming at the problem of two-dimensional size measurement of objects, in this paper, an image-based measurement model with a reference object is first proposed. The bounding boxes of the target objects and the reference are obtained through image processing technology which give the lengths of edges in pixel of objects. The reference object with known length of the edge is used to calculate the pixel unit, the actual size of a pixel and then the size of the target objects are obtained accordingly. Further, a correction model with four small reference objects is proposed to improve the measurement precision. The experimental results show the validity of the proposed models.
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size measurement,perspective projection,correction factor,horizontal and vertical scaling ratio
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