Tool-Wear-Estimation System in Milling Using Multi-View CNN Based on Reflected Infrared Images.


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A novel method for tool wear estimation in milling using infrared (IR) laser vision and a deep-learning algorithm is proposed and demonstrated. The measurement device employs an IR line laser to irradiate the tool focal point at angles of -7.5°, 0.0°, and +7.5° to the vertical plane, and three cameras are placed at 45° intervals around the tool to collect the reflected IR light at different locations. For the processing materials and methods, a dry processing method was applied to a 100 mm × 100 mm × 40 mm SDK-11 workpiece through end milling and downward cutting using a TH308 insert. This device uses the diffused light reflected off the surface of a rotating tool roughened by flank wear, and a polarization filter is considered. As the measured tool wear images exhibit a low dynamic range of exposure, high dynamic range (HDR) images are obtained using an exposure fusion method. Finally, tool wear is estimated from the images using a multi-view convolutional neural network. As shown in the results of the estimated tool wear, a mean absolute error (MAE) of prediction error calculated was to be 9.5~35.21 μm. The proposed method can improve machining efficiency by reducing the downtime for tool wear measurement and by increasing tool life utilization.
IR vision system,deep learning,laser reflectance,monitoring system,tool wear estimation
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