A Study of the Possible Mechanism of the Ground Level Enhancement on 28 October 2021


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We have analyzed the particle acceleration processes and energy spectra for the ground level enhancement (GLE) event on 28 October 2021 using the in situ data registered by ground-based and space-borne instruments. It is found that the onset of the soft X-ray flare component (1 – 8 Å) lies close to the onset of the GLE (≥1 GeV) and high-energy (>500 MeV) proton fluxes, indicating that the GLE event might have been initiated by the flare acceleration process. It is observed that the coronal shock traced in m-Type II burst that operates over the flare acceleration phase plays a role on the impulsive phase of high energy particles. However, the coronal shock traced in DH-Type II burst that operates over the coronal mass ejection (CME) propagation phase plays a more important role in the reacceleration of the protons of low energy (≤80 MeV) than those of high energy (>80 MeV), thus supporting previous suggestions that the CME shock prolongs the temporal evolution of low-energy proton fluxes. The finding is supported by the analyses of proton energy spectra. For instance, the peak energy spectrum after the flare follows a double power-law, exhibiting that the break energy appeared at ∼80 MeV whilst the peak spectrum of the low-energy proton fluxes is harder than that of the high-energy proton fluxes.
Ground level enhancement,Solar energetic particles,Flares,Coronal mass ejections,Shock
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