
Mechanism of the Summer Rainfall Interannual Variability in Transitional Climate Zone in East Asia: Roles of Teleconnection Patterns and Associated Moisture Processes

Climate dynamics(2022)

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Transitional climate zone (TCZ) over East Asia is located between humid and arid regions, which is a highly sensitive and disaster-prone region especially under global climate change. Due to limited water resources, the atmospheric moisture availability has a dominant control on the precipitation variability. Hence, this study is motivated to reveal the key teleconnection patterns and associated moisture processes that govern the interannual variability of the summer precipitation over TCZ. In order to better diagnose moisture budget, the Lagrangian particle dispersion model FLEXPART is employed for quantifying contribution from moisture sources. Above all, the observational analysis highlights two critical modes, one is Eurasian teleconnection (EU) and the other is Circumglobal Teleconnection (CGT). As regards EU pattern, positive EU phase corresponds to ample precipitation in TCZ. In the presence of positive phase, it underlines a “+-+-“ pattern of geopotential height anomalies stretching from western Europe to Mongolia plateau. In the context, the cyclonic flow and low pressure over Mongolia plateau act to enhance moisture flux from the west and the south and to prompt upward motions. Further moisture diagnoses illuminate largest increase of moisture uptake in monsoon dominated region, followed by the westerlies dominated region. However, the eventual contribution of summer monsoon is a little bit less than that of westerlies, due to the grand loss en route. In addition, the local evaporation exerts little impact. CGT propagates along the mid-latitude westerly jet, which is positively coupled with the precipitation in TCZ. Under the positive phase, there is an ascending motion over TCZ, which bears great resemblance to the EU case. However, unlike the result of moisture attribution in EU case, the southerly monsoon has the largest contribution followed by local effect, while the westerlies have little impact due to the cancellation of wetting and drying regimes along the pathway.
Transitional climate zone,Summer precipitation,Inter-annual variability,Lagrangian moisture tracking,Teleconnection,Mechanism
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