Resilience During Disruption: A Cross-National Examination of the Work–family Interface.
International journal of stress management(2023)
We examine the work-family interactions of working parents facing the unique demands caused by the disruptions of the global health pandemic. Using the tenets of work-home resource theory, we study how contextual demands, resources, and psychological resilience interact to affect work-family conflict, stress, and psychological well-being in the United States and India. We tested two-way and three-way interactions between work/family demands, resources, and psychological resilience on work-family conflict. A three-way interaction between work demands, resources, and resilience was found to be a significant factor in dealing with work-family challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic in both India and United States. We also found that while COVID-19-related disruptions caused similar outcomes, there were some cross-national differences in how working parents experienced it. Research and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
disruption,COVID-19,work-family conflict,resilience,Work-Home Resource Model
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