
The Relation Between Autism Spectrum Disorder Traits, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Traits, and Emotional Problems in Japanese University Students

Advances in neurodevelopmental disorders(2022)

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Objectives It is understood that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are likely to have other mental health issues. However, there is a subset of the population who have ASD traits but are below the diagnostic threshold. Nevertheless, in this population, there is an increased risk of psychiatric comorbidities including depression and other symptoms. Therefore, this study aims to examine whether university students in the general population with both higher ASD and ADHD traits had a more severe risk of developing emotional problems. Method An online survey was conducted with Japanese university students in June and July 2021. Using data from 313 Japanese university students, this study examined whether higher ASD and ADHD traits were related to emotional problems. The survey measured ASD traits with the Autism spectrum Quotient; ADHD traits were measured with the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale, and emotional problems were evaluated using the Kessler scale. Results Results showed that ADHD traits moderated the association between higher ASD traits and higher emotional problems, which indicated students with both higher ASD and ADHD traits, had a severe risk of developing emotional problems. Conclusions This study highlights that it is important to focus on subthreshold ASD traits and ADHD traits in university students for their better subsequent mental health.
ASD traits,ADHD traits,Emotional problems,University students,Comorbid problems
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