Collaborative Viewpoint Adjusting and Grasping via Deep Reinforcement Learning in Clutter Scenes

Ning Liu, Cangui Guo, Rongzhao Liang,Deping Li


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For the robotic grasping of randomly stacked objects in a cluttered environment, the active multiple viewpoints method can improve grasping performance by improving the environment perception ability. However, in many scenes, it is redundant to always use multiple viewpoints for grasping detection, which will reduce the robot's grasping efficiency. To improve the robot's grasping performance, we present a Viewpoint Adjusting and Grasping Synergy (VAGS) strategy based on deep reinforcement learning which coordinates the viewpoint adjusting and grasping directly. For the training efficiency of VAGS, we propose a Dynamic Action Exploration Space (DAES) method based on epsilon-greedy to reduce the training time. To address the sparse reward problem in reinforcement learning, a reward function is created to evaluate the impact of adjusting the camera pose on the grasping performance. According to experimental findings in simulation and the real world, the VAGS method can improve grasping success and scene clearing rate. Compared with only direct grasping, our proposed strategy increases the grasping success rate and the scene clearing rate by 10.49% and 11%.
grasping,reinforcement learning,RGB-D perception
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