
Assessment of Metal Organic Framework As a New Formulation for the Treatment of Main Zoonotic Foodborne Pathogens

Egyptian Pharmaceutical Journal(2022)

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Background Foodborne diseases pose serious threats to the health of people. Escherichia coli is the most important foodborne pathogen of public health interest. Objectives To assess metal organic framework (MOF) nanoparticles with antimicrobial activity and incorporating the antibiotics onto MOFs for controlled release of antibiotics and also to solve the problem of antibiotic resistance, which is one of the most pressing issues in global public health. Materials and methods A total of 615 samples of animal and human origins were collected. Samples of poultry and poultry products (215), of meat and meat products (240), and of milk products (120), as well as stool samples from contact persons and food handlers (40) were collected from different localities in Cairo, Giza, and Qaluobya governorates during the period from October 2020 to September 2021. All samples were bacteriologically examined and morphologically characterized. The suspected isolates that have characteristics of E. coli species were identified to the serotype level. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of identified E. coli serotypes to the commonly used antibiotics in Egypt was carried out. Results and conclusion The results showed that the total percentage of E. coli spp. was 31.16%. E. coli spp. of 28, 35.7, 30, and 30% were isolated from sausage, beef, luncheon, and minced meat, respectively. E. coli spp. isolated from poultry liver, breast muscle, and wings were 35.33, 35.33, and 10%, respectively. The Karish cheese (55%) and yoghurt (35%) contained E. coli spp. Only 20% of human stool had E. coli. The total percentages of E. coli spp. in Cairo, Giza, and Qaluobya were 28.5, 39.33, and 36.66%, respectively. Serotypes identified from E. coli spp. were mainly O157 and non -O157 (O164, O26, O27, O53, O71, O95, O103, O111, O124, O125, O127, and O145). The isolated E. coli serotypes expressed high resistance to most of the used antibiotics (10/13, 76.9%) before adding nanoparticles. Three antibiotics showed the lowest resistance [imipenem (34.4%), cefotaxime (65.6%), and ceftriaxone (68.8%)] and after adding nanoparticles to the antibiotic discs, antibiotic resistance decreased to 29.5, 62.3, and 62.9%, respectively. Conclusion Regular epidemiological surveillance should be undertaken in monitoring the occurrence and distribution of E coli spp. Nanotechnology techniques can solve the problem of antibiotic resistance crisis in targeted organisms. Nanoparticles can penetrate the cell membrane of pathogenic microorganisms and interfere with important molecular pathways, formulating unique antimicrobial mechanisms. In combination with optimal antibiotics, nanoparticless have demonstrated synergy and may aid in limiting the global crisis of emerging bacterial resistance. MOF nanoparticles have antimicrobial activity, and incorporating the antibiotics onto MOFs to control the release of antibiotics helps to decrease the problem of antibiotic resistance.
public health,foodborne pathogens,antibiotic resistance,silver nanoparticles
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