Two-Dimensional Age Replacement Decision for Structural Dependence Parallel Systems via Intelligent Optimization Algorithm


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From large-scale aerospace systems to household appliances and other systems in daily life, the application of parallel systems is involved. A parallel system is a typical structural dependence multi-component system, in addition to a series system and hybrid system. This paper takes a parallel system as the research object and minimizes the expected cost rate or maximizes the availability by determining the optimal two-dimensional age replacement interval. The structural dependence of the components is described by the copula function, and the system life model is established. Based on the system life model, the two-dimensional age replacement expected cost rate model and availability model are proposed. In case analysis, the simulated annealing algorithm (SAA), genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are used to find the optimal warranty scheme for the engine fuel fine filter. SAA can converge faster and find a warranty scheme that makes the warranty cost rate lower or the availability higher. Compared with one-dimensional age replacement, two-dimensional age replacement strategy has more advantages in saving warranty costs and improving system availability. Finally, rationalization suggestions are put forward for managers to make maintenance decisions through comparative analysis and sensitivity analysis.
maintenance,two-dimensional age replacement,copula function,structural dependence,parallel system,intelligent optimization algorithm
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