Information Fusion Model of Group Decision Making Based on a Combinatorial Ordered Weighted Average Operator.

IEEE Access(2023)

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Aiming at the problem that the existing aggregation operators only consider the weight of the data itself or the weight of the data position when aggregating data, a group decision information fusion model based on the combinatorial ordered weighted average operator is proposed, which considers the incompleteness, uncertainty and plurality of the decision information, and effectively improves the accuracy of group consensus. In this paper, an interval intuitionistic fuzzy combinatorically weighted average operator is proposed, which embodies the weight of the set data itself and the weight of data position, and can adjust the importance of the two weights in the operator through parameters, and prove that the operator has the properties of boundedness, monotonicity, idempotency and permutation invariance. Secondly, a position weight solving model of interval intuitionistic fuzzy combinatorial ordered weighted average operator is established, and the position weight is solved with the help of cross-entropy and Orness measures. Finally, a group decision information fusion process based on IVIFCOWA operators is designed, and the decision maker weight information is obtained according to the decision matrix, and the comprehensive decision matrix is obtained by fusion of IVIFCOWA operators, and then the mean similarity is obtained. Through specific case analysis, it is proved that the proposed operator can make full use of the decision data, and can better reach group consensus after data fusion than the existing operator.
Decision making,Sorting,Open wireless architecture,Arithmetic,Entropy,Data integration,Fuzzy systems,Instruction sets,Interval-valued sets,fuzzy set,multiple attribute group decision-making,aggregation operators
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