ENInst: Enhancing weakly-supervised low-shot instance segmentation


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We address a weakly-supervised low-shot instance segmentation, an annotation-efficient training method to deal with novel classes effectively. Since it is an under-explored problem, we first investigate the difficulty of the problem and identify the performance bottleneck by conducting systematic analyses of model components and individual subtasks with a simple baseline model. Based on the analyses, we propose ENInst with sub-task enhancement methods: instance-wise mask refinement for enhancing pixel localization quality and novel classifier composition for improving classification accuracy. Our proposed method lifts the overall performance by enhancing the performance of each sub-task. We demonstrate that our ENInst is 7.5 times more efficient in achieving comparable performance to the existing fully-supervised few-shot models and even outperforms them at times.
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Low-shot learning,Weakly-supervised learning,Instance segmentation,Sub-task analysis,Enhancement methods
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