
Applicability of the Generalized Stokes-Einstein Equation of Mode-Coupling Theory to Near-Critical Polyelectrolyte Complex Solutions

Jack F. Douglas, Vivek M. Prabhu, Yuanchi Ma, Steven D. Hudson, Paul F. Salipante

ACS macro letters(2023)

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We examine whether the mode-coupling theory of 1-56; Ferrell, R. A. Decoupled-Mode Dynamical Scaling Theory of the 1172] can describe dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements of the dynamic structure factor of near-critical polyelectrolyte complex (PC) solutions that have been previously shown to exhibit a theoretically unanticipated lower critical solution temperature type phase behavior, i.e., phase separation upon heating, and a conventional pattern of static critical properties (low angle scattering intensity and static correlation, xi s) as a function of reduced temperature. Good qualitative accord is observed between our DLS measurements and the KF theory. In particular, we observe that the collective diffusion coefficient D-c of the PC solutions obeys the generalized Stokes-Einstein equation (GSE), D-c = k(B)T/6 pi eta xi(s), where xi(s) is specified from our previous measurements and where eta is measured by capillary rheometry under the same thermodynamic conditions as in our previous study of these solutions, allowing for a no-free-parameter test of the GSE. We also find that even the wavevector (q)-dependent collective diffusion coefficient Dc(q), measured by varying the scattering angle in the DLS measurements over a large range, is also well-described by the mean-field version of the KF theory. We find it remarkable that the KF theory provides such a robust description of collective diffusion in these complex charged polyelectrolyte blends under near-critical conditions given that charge fluctuations and association of the polymers might be expected to lead to physical complications that would invalidate the standard model of uncharged fluid mixtures.
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