Assessment of semen quality and anti-oxidative enzyme activity between bovine sex-sorted and non-sex-sorted frozen-thawed semen.

Yanmin Guo,Zhaobin Fan,Fuwei Zhao,Shihao Ge,Hanping Chu, Zhongfeng Wei,Rajwali Khan, Muhammad Faisal, Amel Ayari-Akkari, Habab M Yassin,Xianlin Zhao

Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene(2023)

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In the current study, the difference between the sex-sorted and non-sex-sorted frozen semen of Holstein Friesian breed cattle was investigated. Significant variation (p < .05) was found in the semen quality parameters such as motility; vitality; acrosome integrity rate; the anti-oxidative enzyme activity including GSH (glutathione); SOD (superoxide dismutase); CAT (catalase); GSH-Px (glutathione peroxidase) and the rate of fertilization. The results showed that the sperm acrosome integrity and motility of the non-sorted sperm were higher compared to sex-sorted sperm (p < .05). The linearity index and mean coefficient analysis revealed that the percentage of 'grade a' in sex-sorted sperm were significantly (p < .05) lower than non-sorted sperm. Interestingly, low SOD level and high CAT level was found in the non-sexed semen than in the sexed semen (p < .05). Furthermore, the GSH and GSH-Px activity in the sexed semen was found lower than the non-sexed semen (p < .05). In conclusion, sperm motility characteristics were lower in sex-sorted semen than in non-sex-sorted semen. This might be related to the complex process of sexed semen production, which could reduce sperm motility and movement characteristics, acrosomal integrity, CAT, SOD, GSH and GSH-Px, and finally lead to the decline in the fertilization rate.
antioxidant activities,fertility,semen,semen processing,seminal plasma,sex selection
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