Rabies in an imported dog, Ontario, Canada, 2022.

Paul Di Salvo,Maureen Anderson,Christine Fehlner-Gardiner, Francesca Di Mauro, Howard Shapiro, Anna Miranda,Heather McClinchey

Canada communicable disease report = Releve des maladies transmissibles au Canada(2023)

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Importation of rabies-infected dogs results in significant and costly public and animal health risks. In January 2022, a dog in Ontario, Canada, which was imported from Iran in June 2021, developed rabies, leading to an extensive public health investigation and administration of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis to 37 individuals. The dog was infected with a rabies virus variant known to circulate in Iran. This is the second reported case of a rabies-infected dog imported into Canada in 2021 from a high-risk country for canine mediated rabies. This case emphasizes the need for public education regarding the risks associated with importing dogs from high-risk countries for canine-mediated rabies and the benefits of establishing a public health team specializing in rabies exposure investigations.
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