
The abscisic acid-responsive element binding factors MAPKKK18 module regulates abscisic acid-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis

The Journal of biological chemistry(2023)

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The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 18 (MAPKKK18) has been reported to play a role in abiotic stress priming in long-term abscisic acid (ABA) response including drought tolerance and leaf senescence. However, the upstream transcriptional regulators of MAPKKK18 remain to be deter-mined. Here, we report ABA-responsive element binding fac-tors (ABFs) as upstream transcription factors of MAPKKK18 expression. Mutants of abf2, abf3, abf4, and abf2abf3abf4 dramatically reduced the transcription of MAPKKK18. Our electrophoresis mobility shift assay and dual-luciferase re-porter assay demonstrated that ABF2, ABF3, and ABF4 bound to ABA-responsive element cis-elements within the promoter of MAPKKK18 to transactivate its expression. Furthermore, enrichments of the promoter region of MAPKKK18 by ABF2, ABF3, and ABF4 were confirmed by in vivo chromatin immu-noprecipitation coupled with quantitative PCR. In addition, we found that mutants of mapkkk18 exhibited obvious delayed leaf senescence. Moreover, a genetic study showed that over-expression of ABF2, ABF3, and ABF4 in the background of mapkkk18 mostly phenocopied the stay-green phenotype of mapkkk18 and, expression levels of five target genes of ABFs, that is, NYE1, NYE2, NYC1, PAO, and SAG29, were attenuated as a result of MAPKKK18 mutation. These findings demon-strate that ABF2, ABF3, and ABF4 act as transcription regu-lators of MAPKKK18 and also suggest that, at least in part, ABA acts in priming leaf senescence via ABF-induced expres-sion of MAPKKK18.
ABA-Responsive Element Binding Factors (ABFs),Abscisic acid (ABA),Leaf senescence,MAPKKK18
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