Picks in the Fabric of a Polyploidy Complex: Integrative Species Delimitation in the Tetraploid Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae) Representatives


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Simple Summary The delimitation of species as the most important rank in biological classification is an essential contribution of taxonomy to biodiversity research, with all of its evolutionary, ecological, political, and legislative ramifications. Species delimitation is extremely tricky in plant groups evolving by polyploidisation (multiplication of chromosome sets) because the rapid formation of new, reproductively isolated lineages (species) is often not paralleled by conspicuous genetic, morphological, physiological, and/or ecological differentiation. Having clarified the taxonomy of diploid (2x) representatives of the genus Leucanthemum (marguerites, ox-eye daisies) in a previous contribution, the present study aims at an objective and reproducible delimitation of evolutionarily significant units (species) at the tetraploid (4x) level. We used DNA-based fingerprinting and statistical analyses of leaf shapes, ecological niches, and distribution ranges for eight predefined morphotaxa to judge their ranks as species or subspecies and propose a taxonomical treatment for the surveyed group with six species (two of them with two subspecies). Having clarified the taxonomic structure of the ancestral diploid (the 'warps and wefts') and the subsequent tetraploid layer (the 'picks of the fabric'), we will be able to provide a taxonomy for the remainder of this well-known plant group and study its reticulate evolutionary history. Based on the results of a preceding species-delimitation analysis for the diploid representatives of the genus Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae), the present study aims at the elaboration of a specific and subspecific taxonomic treatment of the tetraploid members of the genus. Following an integrative taxonomic approach, species-level decisions on eight predefined morphotaxon hypotheses were based on genetic/genealogical, morphological, ecological, and geographical differentiation patterns. ddRADseq fingerprinting and SNP-based clustering revealed genetic integrity for six of the eight morphotaxa, with no clear differentiation patterns observed between the widespread L. ircutianum subsp. ircutianum and the N Spanish (Cordillera Cantabrica) L. cantabricum and the S French L. delarbrei subsp. delabrei (northern Massif Central) and L. meridionale (western Massif Central). The inclusion of differentiation patterns in morphological (leaf dissection and shape), ecological (climatological and edaphic niches), and geographical respects (pair-wise tests of sympatry vs. allopatry) together with the application of a procedural protocol for species-rank decisions (the 'Wettstein tesseract') led to the proposal of an acknowledgement of the eight predefined morphotaxon hypotheses as six species (two of them with two subspecies). Nomenclatural consequences following from these results are drawn and lead to the following new combinations: Leucanthemum delarbrei subsp. meridionale (Legrand) Oberpr., T.Ott & Vogt, comb. nov. and Leucanthemum ruscinonense (Jeanb. & Timb.-Lagr.) Oberpr., T.Ott & Vogt, comb. et stat. nov.
Asteraceae,ecology,ddRADseq,geography,leaf morphology,nomenclature,polyploidy,taxonomy
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