The cytokine receptor DR3 identifies and promotes the activation of thymic NKT17 cells

Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS(2023)

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Invariant natural killer T ( i NKT) cells correspond to a population of thymus-generated T cells with innate-like characteristics and effector functions. Among the various i NKT subsets, NKT17 is the only subset that produces the proinflammatory cytokine IL-17. But, how NKT17 cells acquire this ability and what would selectively trigger their activation remain incompletely understood. Here, we identified the cytokine receptor DR3 being specifically expressed on thymic NKT17 cells and mostly absent on other thymic i NKT subsets. Moreover, DR3 ligation promoted the in vivo activation of thymic NKT17 cells and provided costimulatory effects upon agonistic α-GalCer stimulation. Thus, we identified a specific surface marker for thymic NKT17 cells that triggers their activation and augments their effector functions both in vivo and in vitro. These findings provide new insights for deciphering the role and function of murine NKT17 cells and for understanding the development and activation mechanisms of i NKT cells in general.
CD138,IL-17,RORγt,Thymus,iNKT cells
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