Sediment and Particulate Cs-137 Budget Studies in Upa River Basin: History, Results, and Prospects


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The intensive pollution of vast areas after the Chernobyl accident, especially in the territories of Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, has not only become a serious environmental issue, but also presents wide methodological opportunities for studying the functioning of natural systems. The proposed work is a generalization of the results of studies on the migration of Cs-137 in the runoff of river sediments, which were carried out in the basin of the Upa River for over 30 years after the accident. This basin is one of the most radioactively contaminated and studied in Central Russia. Over the past three decades, under the conditions of the decreasing snowmelt runoff in the spring and reduced share of cultivated land over the post-Soviet period, the intensity of the Cs-137 transfer has decreased. The Cs-137 deposit losses associated with erosion activities do not exceed a few percent. Most of the mobilized sediments and sediment-associated radionuclides accumulate in dry valleys or artificial reservoirs. With a general reduction in the durations of floods, rivers have become the predominant channels for the transfer of sediment yield and particulate pollutants. The exploration of the vertical distribution of the Cs-137 in the accumulative strata makes it possible to identify the changes in the sediment budgets of the rivers and their radioecological consequences.
fluvial geomorphology,erosion,Chernobyl accident,radiocesium technique,radioactive contamination
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