
Self-consistent Investigation of Density Fueling Needs on ITER and CFETR Utilizing the New Pellet Ablation Module

Nuclear Fusion(2023)

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Self-consistent modeling using the stability, transport, equilibrium, and pedestal (STEP) workflow in the OMFIT integrated modeling framework (predicting pedestal with EPED, core profiles with TGYRO, current profile with ONETWO, and EFIT for equilibrium) suggests ITER and future devices such as China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) Zhuang et al (2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 112010) will benefit from high-density operation (Greenwald limit fraction fgw asymptotic to 0.7-1.3). Regimes with an operational density near the Greenwald limit will likely need peaked density profiles so that the pedestal density remains below the Greenwald limit. Peaked density profiles can be achieved with the help of pellet injection. A flexible Pellet Ablation Module (PAM), which predicts the density source based on a comprehensive analytical pellet ablation model, has been developed for predicting pellet fueling for transport studies, and has been incorporated into the STEP workflow for predictive modeling. This workflow is applied to DIII-D and finds good agreement with experiments. On ITER the effect of pellet fueling is examined in an advanced inductive scenario, where a fusion gain of up to Q= 9 is predicted with strong central pellet fueling. On CFETR, with a mid-radius density source, an average of 1.5 x 1022 electrons s-1 are required to achieve the density and temperature profiles necessary for the 1000 MW advanced scenario with a tritium burn-up fraction of similar to 3%.
pellet fueling,ITER,CFETR,integrated modeling
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