
Androgen-Dependent Expression of CUX2 Mrna in the Pig Liver is Associated with That of Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Drug Transporters.

Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin(2023)

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We previously identified androgen-dependent sex differences in the mRNA expression of drug metaboliz-ing enzymes (DMEs), including CYPs, sulfotransferases and uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferases, and drug transporters in the pig liver and kidney. To elucidate the mechanism for such sex differences in pigs, we herein focused on the key regulators cut-like homeobox 2 (Cux2), B-cell lymphoma 6 (Bcl6), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 5b (Stat5b), which are reported to be responsible for the sex -biased gene expression of Cyps in the mouse liver. We used real-time RT-PCR to examine androgen -depen-dent sex differences in the mRNA levels of these regulators in the liver and kidney basically using Meishan and Landrace pigs. Significant sex differences (male > female) in the level of CUX2 mRNA were detected in the liver of both breeds, and levels were significantly decreased in males by castration and increased in cas-trated males and intact females by administering testosterone propionate. No such clear androgen-dependent sex differences in hepatic BCL6 or STAT5B mRNA expression were observed in either breed. In the kidney, androgen-dependent gene expression of these regulators was not observed. In the liver, CUX2 mRNA expres-sion closely correlated with that of DMEs and drug transporters, which were previously shown to have an-drogen-dependent expression. Together, these findings demonstrate that hepatic CUX2 mRNA is expressed in an androgen-dependent manner, and strongly suggest that CUX2 plays a key role in the androgen-dependent gene expression of hepatic DMEs and drug transporters.
cut-like homeobox 2,testosterone-dependent expression,liver,drug metabolizing enzyme,drug transporter,pig
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