
A Family Study of Compound Variants of Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) in Japanese Subjects Found by Urinary Phenotyping for Trimethylaminuria.

Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics(2023)

引用 4|浏览14
Phenotype-gene analyses and the increasing availability of mega-databases have revealed the impaired human flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) variants associated with the metabolic disorder trimethylaminuria. In this study, a novel compound variant of FMO3, p.[(Val58Ile; Tyr229His)], was identified in a 1-year-old Japanese girl who had impaired FMO3 metabolic capacity (70%) in terms of urinary trimethylamine N-oxide excretion levels divided by total levels of trimethylamine and its Noxide. One cousin in the family had the same p.[(Val58Ile); (Tyr229His)]; [(Glu158Lys; Glu308Gly)] FMO3 haplotype and had a similar FMO3 metabolic capacity (69%). In a family study, the novel p.[(Val58Ile); (Tyr229His)] compound FMO3 variant was also detected in the proband 1's mother and aunt. Another novel compound FMO3 variant p.[(Glu158Lys; Met260Lys; Glu308Gly; Ile426Thr)] was identified in a 7year-old girl, proband 2. This novel compound FMO3 variant was inherited from her mother. Recombinant FMO3 Val58Ile; Tyr229His variant and Glu158Lys; Met260Lys; Glu308Gly; Ile426Thr variant showed moderately decreased capacities for trimethylamine N-oxygenation compared to wild-type FMO3. Analysis of trimethylaminuria phenotypes in family studies has revealed compound missense FMO3 variants that impair FMO3-mediated N-oxygenation in Japanese subjects; moreover, these variants could result in modified drug clearances. (c) 2023 The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
FMO3,Familial study,Polymerase chain reaction,Restriction fragment length polymorphism
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