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Toker Cell Hyperplasia in the Nipple-Areolar Complex of Transmasculine Individuals


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We previously reported breast histopathologic features associated with testosterone therapy in trans-masculine chest-contouring surgical specimens. During that study, we observed a high frequency intraepidermal glands in the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) formed by Toker cells. This study reports Toker cell hyperplasia (TCH)-the presence of clusters of Toker cells consisting of at least 3 contiguous cells and/or glands with lumen formation-in the transmasculine population. Increased numbers singly dispersed Toker cells were not considered TCH. Among the 444 transmasculine individuals, 82 (18.5%) had a portion of their NAC excised and available for evaluation. We also reviewed the NACs from 55 cisgender women who were aged <50 years old and had full mastectomies. The proportion transmasculine cases with TCH (20/82; 24.4%) was 1.7-fold higher than cisgender women (8/55; 14.5%) but did not achieve significance (P = .20). However, in cases with TCH, the rate of gland formation is 2.4-fold higher in transmasculine cases, achieving borderline significance (18/82 vs 5/55; P = .06). Among transmasculine individuals, TCH was significantly more likely to be present in those with higher body mass index (P = .03). A subset of 5 transmasculine and 5 cisgender cases were stained for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), androgen receptor (AR), cytokeratin 7, and Ki67. All 10 cases were cytokeratin 7+ and Ki67-; 9 out 10 cases were AR+. Toker cells in transmasculine cases demonstrated variable expression of ER, PR, and HER2. For cisgender cases, Toker cells were consistently ER+, PR-, and HER2-. In conclusion, there is a higher rate of TCH in the transmasculine than cisgender population, particularly among transmasculine individuals with high body mass index and taking testosterone. To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that Toker cells are AR+. Toker cell features display variable ER, PR, and HER2 immunoreactivity. The clinical significance of TCH in the transmasculine population remains to be elucidated.(c) 2023 United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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breast morphology,chest-contouring surgery,gender-affirming hormone therapy,gender dysphoria,health disparities,Paget disease
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