Impact of a multidisciplinary team discussion on planned ICU admissions after complex abdominal wall reconstruction

Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery(2023)

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Background Patients often need admission at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), immediately after complex abdominal wall reconstruction (CAWR). Lack of ICU resources requires adequate patient selection for a planned postoperative ICU admission. Risk stratification tools like Fischer score and Hernia Patient Wound (HPW) classification may improve patient selection. This study evaluates the decision-making process in a multidisciplinary team (MDT) on justified ICU admissions for patients after CAWR. Methods A pre-Covid-19 pandemic cohort of patients, discussed in a MDT and subsequently underwent CAWR between 2016 and 2019, was analyzed. A justified ICU admission was defined by any intervention within the first 24 h postoperatively, considered not suitable for a nursing ward. The Fischer score predicts postoperative respiratory failure by eight parameters and a high score (> 2) warrants ICU admission. The HPW classification ranks complexity of hernia (size), patient (comorbidities) and wound (infected surgical field) in four stages, with increasing risk for postoperative complications. Stages II–IV point to ICU admission. Accuracy of the MDT decision and (modifications of) risk-stratification tools on justified ICU admissions were analyzed by backward stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results Pre-operatively, the MDT decided a planned ICU admission in 38% of all 232 CAWR patients. Intra-operative events changed the MDT decision in 15% of all CAWR patients. MDT overestimated ICU need in 45% of ICU planned patients and underestimated in 10% of nursing ward planned patients. Ultimately, 42% went to the ICU and 27% of all 232 CAWR patients were justified ICU patients. MDT accuracy was higher than the Fischer score, HPW classification or any modification of these risk stratification tools. Conclusion A MDT’s decision for a planned ICU admission after complex abdominal wall reconstruction was more accurate than any of the other risk-stratifying tools. Fifteen percent of the patients experienced unexpected operative events that changed the MDT decision. This study demonstrated the added value of a MDT in the care pathway of patients with complex abdominal wall hernias.
Complex ventral hernia repair,Intensive care,Multidisciplinary team,Risk-stratifying tools
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