
Effects of Wastewater Pre-Treatment on Clogging of an Intermittent Sand Filter.

Science of the total environment(2023)

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Intermittent sand filters (ISFs) are widely used in rural areas to treat domestic and dilute agricultural wastewater due to their simplicity, efficacy and relative low cost. However, filter clogging reduces their operational lifetime and sustain-ability. To reduce the potential of filter clogging, this study examined pre-treatment of dairy wastewater (DWW) by coagulation with ferric chloride (FeCl3) prior to treatment in replicated, pilot-scale ISFs. Over the study duration and at the end of the study, the extent of clogging across hybrid coagulation-ISFs was quantified, and the results were compared to ISFs treating raw DWW without a coagulation pre-treatment, but otherwise operated under the same conditions. During operation, ISFs receiving raw DWW recorded higher volumetric moisture content (theta v) than ISFs treating pre-treated DWW, which indicated that biomass growth and clogging rate was higher in ISFs treating raw DWW, which were fully clogged after 280 days of operation. The hybrid coagulation-ISFs remained fully opera-tional until the end of the study. Examination of the field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) showed that ISFs treating raw DWW lost approximately 85 % of their infiltration capacity in the uppermost layer due to biomass build-up versus 40 % loss for hybrid coagulation-ISFs. Furthermore, loss on ignition (LOI) results indicated that con-ventional ISFs developed five times the organic matter (OM) in the uppermost layer compared to ISFs treating pre-treated DWW. Similar trends were observed for phosphorus, nitrogen and sulphur, where proportionally higher values were observed for raw DWW ISFs than pre-treated DWW ISFs, with values decreasing with depth. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed a clogging biofilm layer on the surface of raw DWW ISFs, while pre-treated ISFs maintained distinguishable sand grains on the surface. Overall, hybrid coagulation-ISFs are likely to sustain infiltration capacity for a longer period than filters treating raw wastewater; therefore, requiring smaller surface area for treatment and min-imal maintenance.
Dairy wastewater,Filter clogging,Biomass growth,Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity
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