Medication Challenges in the Post-Stroke Patient: A Qualitative Study: Presenter(s): Shauna Bell, University College Cork, Ireland

Jennifer (Raymy) O' Flynn,Helen Kelly,Margaret Bermingham, Luis Negrao,Henna Riemenschneider,Laura J Sahm

Patient Education and Counseling(2023)

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Medications play an essential role in the management and treatment of patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). As risk of recurrent stroke rises to 30-43% within five years of the initial stroke, secondary prevention medications are essential in preventing stroke recurrence. However, in the post-stroke period, patients face a multitude of medication-related challenges. These challenges are poorly characterised in the literature, particularly at the transition of care between hospital and home. Primary care providers such as community pharmacists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists are important points of contact for stroke patients post-discharge. However, poor communication and inadequate transfer of information can impede the ability of Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) to adequately support patients during this transition period. The primary objective of this study is to elicit knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of patients/carers in relation to medication challenges post-discharge from stroke unit, alongside investigation of knowledge, attitudes and beliefs of professional challenges faced by pharmacists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists in continuity of care post-discharge from stroke unit. This qualitative phenomenological study examines the lived experience of patients, carers and HCPs in relation to the continuity of care post-discharge from stroke unit. Participant groups are comprised of patient/carer dyads and community HCPs. Data will be collected via a series of semi-structured interviews. Data will be analysed using thematic analysis. This project is a work in progress and does not yet have final results. Knowledge of medication-related challenges will better inform stroke discharge planning, with the ultimate aim to improve medication adherence in the post-stroke patient thereby reducing risk of recurrent stroke. As this project is part of a wider European collaboration, it is expected that the results will contribute to improved continuity of care in an international context.
medication,qualitative study,patient,post-stroke
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