Privacy-Preserving Video Conferencing via Thermal-Generative Images

Sheng-Yang Chiu, Yu-Ting Huang, Chieh-Ting Lin,Yu-Chee Tseng,Jen-Jee Chen, Meng-Hsuan Tu,Bo-Chen Tung,YuJou Nieh


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Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, video conferencing has evolved as a new paradigm of communication and teamwork. However, private and personal information can be easily leaked through cameras during video conferencing. This includes leakage of a person's appearance as well as the contents in the background. This paper proposes a novel way of using online low-resolution thermal images as conditions to guide the synthesis of RGB images, bringing a promising solution for real-time video conferencing when privacy leakage is a concern. SPADE-SR (Spatially-Adaptive De-normalization with Self Resampling), a variant of SPADE, is adopted to incorporate the spatial property of a thermal heatmap and the non-thermal property of a normal, privacy-free pre-recorded RGB image provided in a form of latent code. We create a PAIR-LRT-Human (LRT = Low-Resolution Thermal) dataset to validate our claims. The result enables a convenient way of video conferencing where users no longer need to groom themselves and tidy up backgrounds for a short meeting. Additionally, it allows a user to switch to a different appearance and background during a conference.
privacy-preserving privacy-preserving,thermal-generative
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